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Tarot Reading • Past Present Future • Major Arcana

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Tarot Reading • Past Present Future • Major Arcana

Receive a personal reading about the archetypes shaping your present moment.


Who is this for?

  • To individuals keen to understanding themselves deeper.
  • Those seeking spiritual connection or growth.
  • When feeling stuck in a situation and looking for a fresh perspective.
  • Looking to understand the dynamics of a relationship.
  • Feeling disconnected and seeking a tool to rekindle intuition.

Whether navigating difficult life decisions, seeking clarity about personal relationships, or striving for personal growth and self-understanding, tarot provides a unique framework for introspection.

This 3-card tarot reading will help you look beyond your perspective and help you connect with the forces and archetypes which might be affecting you.

Our practice is focused on inner work and developing your highest self. Everyone is welcome.

The tarot helps uncover underlying thoughts or feelings that might not be immediately apparent and empowers you by illuminating potential outcomes based on your current path.


  • At purchase you will be asked to share the question or guidelines for your reading.
  • In 48 hours or less you are emailed a digital download of your tarot card spread together with an interpretation of the cards and how they relate to your question.
  • If the reading needs more clarification, you can reply and ask for more details through another three card reading.


Tarot readings are a practice of using cards representing archetypes to gain insight into the past, present and future by formulating a question and then drawing and interpreting the cards. As an experienced intuitive tarot reader, I will connect with your question in order to deliver an insightful and personal tarot reading about your situation. This reading will help bring you clarity about a particular situation, and should not be used for divinatory purposes or for reading about anyone that isn't yourself. Use the tarot to broaden your perspective and tap into the underlying forces shaping your reality.

Who's reading?

We are a conduit of the cosmos and a whisperer of ancient wisdoms, with a deck of cards as our guide. We serve as a bridge between the seen and unseen, with each card drawn, we touch the surface of the unspoken, the obscured, the profound – bringing light to shadows, clarity to confusion.

Our readings are a dance with destiny, a journey through the labyrinth of life, and a beacon of light amidst the swirling mysteries of the universe.

As we journey together, remember - we are no masters, but rather fellow travelers, guided by the silent music of the universe, sharing the magic of understanding one card at a time.

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A modern approach to arcane concepts.

Aesthetic Hermetics

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Within 48 hours you will receive a personalized reading of three major arcana relating to your question, together with an interpretation of the spread.

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